Day 5 

Miles completed today 79
Total miles 299

A different kind of day - we are not so taken with Somerset as we were with Devin and Cornwall. Hilly stage at the start followed by the flatness of the Bridgwater canal and an old railway into Glastonbury before a lovely 9 miles  into Wells to round the day off. 

Some awards from today: 
Most grumpy bloke - the man who blocked the road off Exmoor and accused us of dropping litter on a road that we didn’t even cycle along ! 
Most annoying woman - the runner on the Bridgwater canal who insisted on not letting us past and let her dogs jump up at adam and almost knock him off! 
Most ugly cycleway - the route in and out of Bridgwater that winds under the M5 and through various industrial estates 
Most hairy moment - meeting a tractor at top speed on a very narrow country lane 

Highlights today include the £5 sponsorship from Zeal farm, the cakes at the cafe in Glastonbury and the ride into Wells. 

Looking forward to tomorrow and meeting up with the “Moats” in Bristol .. shame we have to go over the Mendips first ..!! 

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